Susan "Lippy" Orem
Susan ”Lip” Orem began practicing yoga when the thrill of bench aerobics was gone. Her first teachers were Sharon Gannon, Dana Flynn and Cyndi Lee. Her checkered past as a dancer in Las Vegas revues, Off Broadway actress, Ringling Brothers clown and sign language interpreter left her no choice but to teach yoga. She was too old to be a cowgirl or an astronaut. She was first certified by Cyndi Lee before there was an OM Yoga. She has been a student of Rodney Yee since 1996 and continues to be inspired by his teaching. She is proud to be part of the Teacher Training program for Yoga Shanti in Sag Harbor and to assist Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman annually at Kripalu. Here in NYC Genny Kapuler and Carrie Owerko keep Lip’s feet steady on the path. The most influential teachers have been all the students willing to take this trip with her. Susan “Lip” is grateful every day that what she does is what she loves.