Kate Ryan

Kate helps humans find focus, clarity, and connection through mindful, customized yoga and meditation practices. Kate has taught yoga at CorePower, YogaSix, Ritual, Yoga 2.0, and FFC before working at ZYG. Kate studied mindfulness at Chicago State University, and received her certification in trauma-informed care from the Institute of Trauma at the University of Buffalo. Kate has completed Jon Kabat-Zinn’s eight week MBSR course, and the 100 hour Meditation Teacher Training at Chill Chicago, where she has also had the privilege of leading workshops and working with their teacher trainees. Additional certifications include Reiki level 2, Yoga for 12 Step Recovery, and prison yoga. Kate completed her 85 hour prenatal certification through Zen yoga garage, and teaches hot, vinyasa, and yin.In addition to yoga, Kate works for NAMI Chicago, (the National Alliance on Mental Illness) and guides corporate and private sessions in meditation, movement, and mindfulness throughout the United States. 

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