Emily Benaron

My classes are a trauma-informed blend of movement and self-exploration. I weave together traditional yoga and holistic embodiment practices with a focus on mindfulness and self-compassion. It is my deepest inten...

Mindful Flow-Garudasana

Aired -

This beginner to intermediate vinyasa class is gentle and steady-paced.

This class is a slow climb to eagle pose where you may find that you can soar in your strength, focus, and present moment nonjudgmental awareness. 

Platythis: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6eq2yFhf3fN7qHD7yj4FMo?si=5641d46d69414b7a

Mindful Flow classes weave together traditional yoga and holistic embodiment practices with a focus on mindfulness and self-compassion. Each class includes a guided meditation, pranayama, and a slow and steady flow. This active class is designed to be appropriate for “all levels” with instruction to care for individual needs.

Music is played during this class.