Linda Baffa

Hi!  I’m Linda.  In a world of labels, I can be defined as the following: a singer, a mama, a soul seeker, and, of course, a yoga teacher. My classes are nurturing and challenging, accessible and empowering, sill...

cozy, smooth, sweaty flow :)

Aired -

This beginner to intermediate vinyasa class is active with a  strong and steady pace.

This class is all about presence and an open willingness to connect to yourself, as is.  Through a steady, meditative pace you are invited to drop into a place of exploration through quality moments and mindful breaths.  As you challenge your physical strength, your mental stamina, and your willingness to evolve, you will likely leave class feeling as though you have had a workout, a meditation, and a therapy session all at once.

Please know that while this class offers both deeper physical and mental challenges, there are also plentiful options offered to modify the practice to suit your unique energy and strength levels. Come as you are. 

Music is played during this class.