Elissa Margolin

I am an E-RYT500 registered yoga teacher, certified mindfulness meditation teacher, global health practitioner and professor, and mama to my two most important teachers.  I am happiest moving my body, outside, pr...

Candlelit Flow & Let Go

Aired -

1h 18m
This beginner to intermediate vinyasa class is gentle and steady-paced. 

Savor the sweetness as slow intuitive flow melts into a mandala of nourishing long holds in seated and reclining yin postures.  Explore the solid architecture that holds the flow, and dance in the fluidity of stillness.  Expand awareness of the subtle unfolding.  Nurture wonder at the blossoming as we linger at our edges. Untangle patterns of tension from the roots.  Holding both sthira (stability, strength) and sukha (ease, sweetness), let go into the wisdom within.  Welcome yourself home.

Music is played during this class.