* Dedicated Yogi Subscription - $108 (ONLINE)
per month
The Yoga Shanti Dedicated subscription auto-renews monthly and gives you access to any 12 online classes/replays each subscription period. (Workshops and in-person classes are not included.) You can cancel this subscription at any time from your Union account or by emailing the studio at sagharbor@yogashanti.com before the renewal date and it will not renew at the end of the current period.
Important: When you use all of your allotted credits within any given subscription period (one month) you will have to wait until it renews for them to replenish. If you would like to take a class or Replay before the renewal date, please do NOT purchase a second subscription as you will then have two running concurrently. We recommend instead that you purchase either a drop-in pass or a multi-class pass with a 6-month validation period to supplement your subscription during months when you wish to take more than your allotted classes. -
Auto-renews every month