Unlimited Membership $120.00 per month
  • Take as many classes as you'd like during the month!  Includes workshops. Billed monthly.
  • Auto-renews every month
Video Library $55.00 per month
  • Access our video library and take class anytime, anywhere!  Billed monthly.
  • Auto-renews every month
5 Class Pack $55.00 valid for 2 months
  • Mix 'n match!  Two month expiration. 
  • One-time charge
New Student Special $35.00 valid for 1 months
  • New to Interfusion Fitness?  Try four classes for $35!  Must be used within one month.
  • One-time charge
FIF Advent Calendar $24.00 valid for 30 days
  • Presenting the Fit Into Fitness Advent Calendar!  Every day for 24 days, starting on December 1, you will receive a suggested 10 minute workout from my Fit Into Fintess archive. It could be yoga, strength training, dance fitness, or non-dance cardio. You never know what you might get!  The daily suggestion will be sent straight to your inbox so the hardest part will be pressing play. 

    You can do one minute of a video or all of the minutes of a video, either way it counts!

    Don’t feel like doing my suggested workout of the day?  No problem!  You have access to the full Fit Into Finess archive for the 24 days. 
  • One-time charge
Fit Into Fitness - Archive $20.00 per month
  • Gain access to 10 minute workouts (including strength, yoga, and dance fitness) that you can do anytime, anywhere!  No need to warmup as each 10 minute workout is designed with a warmup built in.  Do one video at a time, or combine multiple videos for a longer exercise experience!  These workouts are meant to help you shift your "all or nothing" mindset when it comes to fitness.  Something is better than nothing!  Movement should leave you feeling good and excited to come back to it in the near future.  Have fun!
  • Auto-renews every month
Drop In Class $15.00 one time use
  • Attend one of our live virtual classes.
  • One-time charge