Katie Leigh Jackson

Illustrator, wallpaper designer, slow living advocate, and restorative yoga teacher. Get more insights into living life in the slow lane and creating calm spaces with my weekly newsletter ➝ Sign up here!

Upload old Newsletter to Customer.io

When uploading a list to Customer.io you'll actually upload it to Union first. This is because Union will give each customer a customer ID that Customer.io uses to organize people and prevent duplicates, ensuring that your list is clean and organized.

This video will show you exactly how to bring your old mailing list into Union where it will automatically sync to Customer.io.

**Please give Customer.io 24-hours to update especially if you have a larger list. Smaller lists will see all contacts within an hour.

** The Marketing Lists tab will only show up once your account is connected to Customer.io. If you don't see this tab please contact Support@union.fit.