Alyssa Manny

Life is art. Life is love. Life is all about the people that lift you up and help you find the positive, the possible and your limitless potential. I dedicate our studio and the bond that we all share within this...


Aired -

LENGTH: 50 min
WHAT YOU WILL NEED: Light or Heavy Weights + Fit Ball + Resistance Band 

LEVEL: All levels
INTENSITY (High, Mid or Low): Mid

Check our Prenatal page for modification tips

  • alignment
  • focus
  • dedication
  • determination

Enjoy Ohana Barre classes that fuse smart alignment (neutral spine, neutral pelvis) with functional movement, pilates-focused core work, orthopedic exercises and yogic transitions. Perfect for individuals of any age (or rehabilitating post-injury) looking to create long, lean muscles with an emphasis on strength, stability and suppleness.