Denver Yoga Deep Study

The Denver Yoga Deep Study is facilitated over several weekends for students who desire a deep dive into the integrated yoga practice.

This 54-hour program is an opportunity for students who desire to go deeper, though may not want to actually teach yoga.

We welcome all who are curious to come study, absorb, play, and contemplate through the lens of the integrated yoga practice. Within this container, we will create a more intimate relationship with ourselves, our lives, and each other.

Whether you are dreaming of eventually moving towards the path of teaching yoga or simply wanting to deepen your own yogic experience, this training is for you.

In this three weekend adventure, you will receive 54-hours of Deep Yoga Study into the philosophy of yoga

February 20th, 6-9pm; February 21st, 6-9pm

February 22nd, 9am-4pm; February 23rd, 9am-4pm

February 27th, 6-9pm; February 28th, 6-9pm

March 1st, 9am-4pm; March 2nd, 9am-4pm

March 6th, 6-9pm; March 7th, 6-9pm

March 8th, 9am-4pm; March 9th, 9am-4pm

$500 Denver Yoga Deep Study Deposit
54-Hour Denver Yoga Deep Study

Total program investment is $1,388

(Pay $500 non-refundable deposit to hold your spot, $888 due before the program begins)

Modules include:

History of yoga
Paths of yoga
Styles of yoga
Eight Limbs of yoga
Chakra system and subtle body
Yoga alignment
Posture clinics
Anatomy of the Nervous System
Polyvagal Theory and Central Nervous System regulation
Vedic philosophy
Restorative Yoga
Yoga Nidra
Conversation on race and cultural appropriation
Service work

* We will not be able to accommodate refunds after purchase is made