One Year Unlimited Access: On Demand Replay Library $600.00 valid for 1 years
  • Unlimited access for one year (begins on date of first registration) to our On Demand Replay Library, which offers hundreds of classes with a wide range of teachers. Save your favorite classes to come back to anytime. Need some inspiration? Peruse our Curated Class Collections here.

  • One-time charge
10 Class Card (3 month expiration) $225.00 valid for 3 months
  • Good for 10 classes: In Person (either studio, excludes Ashtanga classes); Livestream, Replay, and/or Zoom.

    No exceptions will be made to the 3 month expiration. Thank you for respecting our studio policies. If you do not wish to be constrained by a time limit, please purchase single drop in classes. The discount you receive with this purchase applies only if you use these classes within the specified time frame. We are unable to respond to requests for extensions. Thank you.


  • One-time charge
One Month Unlimited: All Access Online + In Person $225.00 per month
  • Good for unlimited online access (Livestream, On Demand Replay Library, Zoom classes) and In-Person visits (Does not apply to Ashtanga program).
    Includes complementary mat storage.

    Includes two guest passes per month.

    Renews monthly unless you cancel at anytime. Unused portions of memberships will not be refunded; please take responsibility for your purchase. Thank you!

  • Auto-renews every month
One Month Hybrid: Up to 10 In Person Visits + Unlimited Online $195.00 per month
  • Good for unlimited Livestreams/Restreams (24 hour access with pre-registration), Zoom classes, and all content in the Replay library. Includes up to 10 in-person visits and complementary mat storage.

    Includes one guest pass per month.

    *If you wish to attend more than 10 times in person per billing cycle, the system should automatically give you a 30% discount on your drop-in class.

    Renews monthly unless you cancel at anytime. (Link here for instructions on how to do so). Unused portions of memberships will not be refunded; please take responsibility for your purchase. Thank you!

  • Auto-renews every month
One Month Unlimited: In Person Only (Autorenews) $175.00 per month
  • Good for In-Person visits (does not include Ashtanga classes). Includes complementary mat storage. Please double check your registration and ensure you travel to the correct studio location.

    Includes one guest pass per month.

    If your plans change, please cancel your own reservation anytime up until the start of class. Instructions on how to do so may be found here.

    Renews monthly unless you cancel at anytime. Unused portions of memberships will not be refunded; please take responsibility for your purchase. Thank you!

    ***STUDENT RATE IS $95. Must purchase at the front desk and show valid student ID with each purchase. If your student ID does not have a date on it, we will ask you to provide another form of verification of your student status. Thanks!

  • Auto-renews every month
One Month Unlimited: Live Online; Restream; + Replay Library (Autorenews) $90.00 per month
  • Good for unlimited Live Online classes (with the 24 hour Restream option with pre-registration); and access to the Replay Library.

    This pass cannot be used for In Person classes.

    Renews monthly unless you cancel at anytime. Unused portions of memberships will not be refunded; please take responsibility for your purchase. Thank you!

  • Auto-renews every month
One Month Unlimited Access to the On Demand Replay Library $50.00 $60.00 each month after
New Student Special: 1 Week In Person Unlimited $45.00 valid for 7 days
  • This pass's expiration begins from the date/time of the first registration. This holds true even if the first registration is a cancellation/no show, so please be sure you can show up for class prior to registering.

    We have mats, props, and small towels all available free of charge. Please bring a reusable water bottle to class. Finally, do double check your registration and ensure you travel to the correct studio.

    Good at both studio locations. Does not include Ashtanga programs.

  • One-time charge
Drop In: In Person $27.00 one time use
  • You will be charged for class unless you cancel your own reservation anytime up until the start of class. Instructions on how to do so may be found here.

    PLEASE double check your registration and ensure you travel to the correct studio location.

    Does not include Ashtanga program.

    ***STUDENT RATE IS $15. Must purchase at the front desk and show valid student ID with each purchase. If your student ID does not have a date on it, we will ask you to provide another form of verification of your student status. Thanks!

  • One-time charge
New Student Special: 1 Week Online Unlimited $25.00 valid for 7 days
  • Good for one week (7 days; time stamped). May be used for Livestreams, Restreams, Replays, and/or Zoom classes.

  • One-time charge
Drop In: Livestream, Restream, Zoom, or Replay $15.00 one time use