Yoga as an Intervention for MS

Aired -

1h 5m
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), is a lifelong condition that affects the brain and spinal cord. In this presentation, Garth will give an insight into his personal experience of MS and how he uses yoga to navigate its challenges. His knowledge is informed by over 20 years experience and underpinned by science and current research. 

This presentation will be particularly relevant to people with MS and similar neurological challenges, as well as informative for Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists. You will gain a deeper insight and understanding of what to consider when approaching a yoga practice in order to enhance mobility, function and quality of life when faced with neurological and movement challenges. Though every case is different, symptoms of MS and other neurological conditions can manifest in similar ways.  

In this 45-minute lecture, you will learn:

  • How yoga as an intervention can be of benefit to people with the condition
  • The various stages of MS and associated symptomatology
  • Basic principles to employ to help mitigate common symptoms
  • Strategies to slow the progression of the condition

Your Presenter:

Garth McLean is author of the newly released, Yoga and Multiple Sclerosis: A Practical Guide for People with MS and Yoga Teachers. He offers workshops on Yoga and MS globally. Garth has managed his course of the condition since 1996 through Yoga and is a Senior Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (Level 3-Senior III); C-IAYT, IAYT APD Provider, Yoga Alliance (EYRT-500, YACEP).

A Note on Seva (Service):
Many of our faculty donate their time and receive no compensation from course fees. The funds we raise through this platform go to support Give Back Yoga Foundation and its key initiatives: mat donations, small grants, and not-for-profit yoga programs for people facing addiction, eating disorders, cancer, incarceration, and PTSD. Learn more about our work here