Livestream Monthly Membership $39.99 per month
  • Access Fuel Phitness from ANYWHERE! This membership is for Unlimited Livestream Classes.You can have freedom in how you practice!
    You can join ALL live virtual classes, watch replays anytime and have a library of hundreds of past classes to chose from, and it keeps growing! 
    What a blast to see everyone in the studio working out together, with you being a part of that.
    No contract!
    Cancel anytime!
    Month to month!
    See you soon!
  • Auto-renews every month
Replay Drop In $5.00 one time use
  • Want to workout from home? You're in luck, drop in and get sweaty with a Fuel Phitness class! 

    With this pass you can choose from 50+ classes in our replay library. 

    Replays are streamed in the studio and uploaded daily to ensure you can workout from home at your convenience! 
  • One-time charge