Wendy Contic
Who I am today, is a result of who I have been. All those things have put me on this path. ~Karma~
In 2009, I was suffering from chronic pain caused by injuries sustained in a motor vehicle collision. In search of a way to ease pain and reintroduce movement in my body, I found yoga, or… it found me.
This physical practice, initially meant to have one purpose, started to weave it’s way into other parts of my life. It became a lifestyle I embodied, a tool I turned to to increase mental clarity, manage stress, and anxiety.
The practice of yoga, meditation and sound healing has had such a profound and lasting impact on my life. I am moved by those experiences, and inspired by those who facilitated them.
A passion fueled desire to share with others, the gifts that have been shared with me, I decided to become a yoga teacher.
I am a 2019 graduate of the Evolve Yoga and Wellness 200 hour Interdisciplinary Yoga Teacher Training. I traveled to India and completed 100 hours of study and experiences of yoga philosophy, religion and history. I am trained to teach yoga to individuals who have experienced trauma, and have a background in Public Safety and Law Enforcement that goes beyond 20 years. I took my yoga teaching to new heights, and became an Aerial Yoga Teacher in 2021. In 2022 I became a Practitioner of Sound Healing and Vibrational Therapy.
Yoga changed the trajectory of my life and has led me on this beautiful, endless journey of self discovery, that is full of infinite potential and possibilities. How magical is that!