ONLINE ONLY - Harmonic Frequency Healing: Changing Your Perspective

Aired -

1h 11m
Module 3: Changing Your Perspective
Do you blame yourself for past decisions & don’t know how to let go of these feelings?  
This is the same concept as the session prior to this one. Just as we can embody (feel) the change of grief to joy, we can embody a new perspective where we have the ability to see something as helping us as opposed to hurting us. We can step into the perspective where we view something as being done for our benefit and the benefit of all as opposed to that we are being punished. We all do the best we can, the best way we know how. And yes, things happen in life that feel so painful and unfair at times. It is often very difficult to see any positive perspective during these times. Sound therapy helps us have faith that things are working out as they should. The reason why sound has the ability to do this is because the sound goes into that subconscious mind’s past negative old beliefs, negative opinions of ourself and our life, and other people’s beliefs (or conditioning) that we have been made to believe. Sound activates a release of these old, conditioned perspectives and is therefore able to liberate us from feeling these things. This in turn automatically changes our perspective. We can then see the rainbow through the clouds. Feel how easy it is to alter your perspective with sound.

During each module, you will hear various sound healing frequencies that directly correspond to the human body in order to facilitate the release of pain and bring forth your ability to feel deeper levels of joy within yourself. 

Examples of some of the sound healing instruments you will hear include tuning forks, crystal singing bowls, chimes, Native American Flute, and drum.

Please note, in order to optimize the harmonic experience, participants are encouraged to be in a quiet and comfortable setting while wearing earbuds or headphones.