Free Drop-In Free one time use
  • I look forward to having you join me for a free sound meditation class!! This pass is a way for me to say Thank You for saying YES to you and trying out one of my virtual guided sound meditation classes.

    This pass cannot be used to register for workshops, trainings or special events.
  • One-time charge
Harmonic Frequency Healing: Reconnecting to Self & New Beginnings $88.00 valid for 100 years
  • This pass allows access to live-stream & replay for all 4 modules of Harmonic Frequency Healing: Reconnecting to Self & New Beginnings. Each session is approximately 1 hour in length and best experienced while wearing headphones and laying in a comfortable and quiet setting.
  • One-time charge
Harmonic Frequency Healing: The Secret to Happiness $88.00 valid for 100 years
  • This pass allows access to live-stream & replay for all 4 modules of Harmonic Frequency Healing: The Secret to Happiness. Each session is approximately 1 hour in length and best experienced while wearing headphones and laying in a comfortable and quiet setting.
  • One-time charge
Harmonic Frequency Healing: Bloom Into Who You Really Are $88.00 valid for 100 years
  • This pass allows access to live-stream & replay for all 4 modules of Harmonic Frequency Healing: Bloom Into Who You Really Are. Each session is approximately 1 hour in length and best experienced while wearing headphones and resting in a comfortable position.
  • One-time charge
Harmonic Frequency Healing: Summer Solstice Solace $88.00 valid for 100 years
  • This pass allows access to live-stream & replay for all 4 modules of Harmonic Frequency Healing: Summer Solstice Solace. Each session is approximately 1 hour in length and best experienced while wearing headphones and resting in a comfortable position.
  • One-time charge
Harmonic Frequency Healing: Whole Body-Mind Health $88.00 valid for 100 years
  • This pass allows access to live-stream & replay for all 4 modules of Harmonic Frequency Healing: Whole Body-Mind Health. Each session is approximately 1 hour in length and best experienced while wearing headphones and resting in a comfortable position.
  • One-time charge
Harmonic Frequency Healing: Taking Back Your Personal Power $88.00 valid for 100 years
  • This pass allows access to live-stream & replay for all 4 modules of Harmonic Frequency Healing: Taking Back Your Personal Power. Each session is approximately 1 hour in length and best experienced while wearing headphones and laying in a comfortable and quiet setting.
  • One-time charge