This series begins with our emergence out of Covid. The masks come off, and people are returning to the studio. The pace and rhythm are similar to Series 2.0, combining Green and Orange classes. Practice this progression in sequential order three to four times per week for best results. Remember that Jeff will not always be in the camera frame, and his words to individual students in the room may or may not apply to your body. Listen as if you are in the room, mostly with your eyes closed, and glance at your screen when needed.
Series A0 Orange: Remember Love
with Jeff Bailey
1h 13m
Series A1 Green: Seeds of Change
with Jeff Bailey
1h 8m
Series A2 Green: Back and Shoulders
with Jeff Bailey
1h 1m
Series A4 Orange: The Silent Center
with Jeff Bailey
1h 5m
Series A5: Back Body Release
with Jeff Bailey