Jeff Bailey

Jeff Bailey is an expert at restoring and maintaining joint health. He has helped thousands of middle-aged women and men return to the activities they love. Working with Jeff, many have avoided joint replacements...

Short Workshop: Healing Neck Therapy

Aired -

1h 5m
Join AvitaYoga teacher Jeff Bailey for this workshop as he introduces valuable therapeutic work for improved neck and shoulder health. It is unique enough that it warrants this special time and attention and covers many points that are important and vital to the Avita Yoga® practice. The first half hour is presentation only and then the class switches to practice and Zoom interaction with Q&A. Go slow. Watch the presentation first and then let Jeff lead you through the practice.

Remember this is not an exercise. It is potent therapeutic movement that can be helpful as long as you respect the process and go slow. You want to feel your body, and in this case your neck feeling better, getting healthier and stronger, over time. A little is a lot!