Anne Van Valkenburg

Anne’s teaching is inspired by her practice. Staying dedicated to her practice is how she remains truthful to what she teaches and shares with others. For her, the physical body has been the pathway to knowing he...

90-Minute Fall Equinox Flow

Aired -

1h 30m
This 90-minute class happened on the Fall equinox (for those in the northern hemisphere). The sequence begins in a seated pose with nadi shodhana, alternate nostril breathing, balancing the right and left sides, Ida and Pingala, sun and moon, hot and cool, masculine and feminine...

The sequence continues with dynamic flow. Practice variations of surya namaskar C, A, and B. Poses like Vrksasana (tree) and Virabhadrasana 2 are interwoven.

The cool-down portion includes upavista konasana, parivrtta janu sirsasana, and pashchimottanasana.

Enjoy the flow!

Suggested props for this class:
2 blocks
2 blankets
1 strap