Monthly Unlimited
per month
Unlimited Livestreams and Replays
*At least 4 (typically 5) unique and thematic livestream classes per week
*Personal cues and verbal adjustments in the LIVE classes. I teach to the students, and I will give you personalized attention in class.
*Unlimited access to the replay library and pre-recorded classes
*90-minute, 75-minute, 50-minute, and 30-minute classes (replays from LIVE classes, as well as pre-recorded classes)
*Unlimited joy 😁
(Pass must be active to access classes) -
Auto-renews every month
Two-Hour Specialty Class
valid for 6 months
This pass is valid for a two-hour specialty class.
One-time charge
Drop In
one time use
Valid for One Yoga Class: Includes Livestreams and Replays and Pre-Recorded Classes
One-time charge
New Student Special - One Week Unlimited Yoga
valid for 8 days
1 Week Unlimited, Includes:
*Your week begins the day you register for the free-week
* At least four (typically five) unique and thematic LIVE online classes per week
*Personal cues and verbal adjustments in the LIVE classes. You will receive personalized attention within the class setting.
*Unlimited access to the replay library and pre-recorded classes
*90-minute, 75-minute, 50-minute, and 30-minute classes
One-time charge