Unlimited membership
per month
We've lowered the price while we are not yet set up for streaming!
The ultimate membership! This unlimited class pass gets you all access to our in-person classes and a variety of previously recorded classes in our library that you can take at any time. If you took one class each day, that works out to just $5.97 per class. Membership automatically renews each month.
These memberships are for a one-month long period, so if you purchase on the 15th of the month, it will renew the following 15th of the month. You don't have to wait until the 1st of the month to start, in other words, they are not by calendar month. -
Auto-renews every month
3 classes per week membership (in-person)
per month
Attend 3 classes each week at Alpenglow Fitness with this month-long membership! Commit to fitness with this pass that makes each class work out to only $10. You get 12 classes total to use in a 1 month period (you could use two one week and zero the next for instance). However, unused passes do not roll over to the next month. Membership is automatically renewed each month. Excludes special events and workshops. Strict 6 hour cancelation policy (you must cancel 6 hours or more prior to class start else you forfeit a pass).
This membership works out to $11.60 per class, a big savings from the drop in rate of $20 per class.
These memberships are for a one-month long period, so if you purchase on the 15th of the month, it will renew the following 15th of the month. You don't have to wait until the 1st of the month to start, in other words, they are not by calendar month. -
Auto-renews every month
Back to Studio Sale
$99.00 each month after
Back to
SchoolStudio Sale! Come back to Alpenglow for just $49 for your first month, and get 2 classes a week (8 in one month) to get back into your exercise groove.
Membership auto-renews the same day of the next month at the regular price of $99. The 8 passes can be used at any point in the 30 day period, but do not roll over to the next month if not used. -
First month is $49.00 and then $99.00 each month after
Auto-renews every month
2 classes per week membership (in-person)
per month
Attend 2 classes each week at Alpenglow Fitness with this month-long membership! Find your exercise groove coming twice weekly. You get 8 classes total to use in a 1 month period (you could use two one week and zero the next for instance). However, unused passes do not roll over to the next month. Membership is automatically renewed each month. Excludes special events and workshops. Strict 6 hour cancelation policy (you must cancel 6 hours or more prior to class start else you forfeit a pass).
This membership works out to just over $12 per class - a big savings from the drop-in rate of $20 per class.
These memberships are for a one-month long period, so if you purchase on the 15th of the month, it will renew the following 15th of the month. You don't have to wait until the 1st of the month to start, in other words, they are not by calendar month. -
Auto-renews every month
1 class per week membership (in-person)
per month
Attend 1 class each week at Alpenglow Fitness with this month-long membership! Get into the habit of exercising regularly. You get 5 classes total to use in a 1 month period (you could use two one week and zero the next for instance). However, unused passes do not roll over to the next month. Membership is automatically renewed each month. Excludes special events and workshops. Strict 4 hour cancelation policy (you must cancel 4 hours or more prior to class start else you forfeit a pass).
This membership works out to $13.20 per class, a savings from the $20 per class drop-in rate.
These memberships are for a one-month long period, so if you purchase on the 15th of the month, it will renew the following 15th of the month. You don't have to wait until the 1st of the month to start, in other words, they are not by calendar month. -
Auto-renews every month
Live streaming and library only
per month
Purchase this pass for unlimited live-streaming and access to a variety of classes in our library.
$49/month as a standalone membership. -
Auto-renews every month
Flood relief: Choose what you pay
one time use
These passes are good for our special flood relief classes. Choose what you pay, all proceeds go to flood relief orgs.
One-time charge
In-person Drop-In
one time use
Good for one class. Valid for three months from purchase.
If you sign up for class and fail to cancel prior to 6 hours, or do not show for class, you will forfeit the pass. -
One-time charge
Virtual Drop-In (Live Stream)
one time use
A single pass to attend one of our classes via livestream. Choose your own price — simply edit the price field and choose what you'd like to pay. Our wonderful instructors receive a share of revenue on replays.
You'll receive an email with a link to join, no special software necessary. -
One-time charge
Replay a class from our library
one time use
Replay one of our classes at a time that works for you. Choose your own price; $3 suggested. Our instructors receive a share of revenue from your contribution.
One-time charge