Kayla Hersperger
Kayla Hersperger (she/her) is a Pittsburgh-based yoga teacher and student. Teaching yoga has been the greatest joy of her life and she hopes students leave her classes feeling strong, safe, supported, and self-aw...Vinyasa 90: Mercury in the Microwave
Aired -
1h 32m
In all seriousness, this time of retrograde is an opportunity to reflect on the push/pull nature of life and take a pause to reflect on your boundaries. Start this evening on knees and move into fire building blanket work (it's best if you can be on a hard/slippy surface under your yoga mat). Two kramas (stages) of asana start us on our knees and then build into standing shapes. Our pranayama (breathwork) today is a three-part breath with the focus on the exhale. We'll close class with belly backbends, twists, and hips on a block. Grab two blocks and a blanket; move with lovely Tessa and the tunes.