Jazmin Ment

When not teaching or practicing yoga, you can probably find me in the ocean surfing or gone to the mountains seeking solace in vast landscapes. Thanks to my mom, who insisted I do yoga with her, yoga and meditati...

Strong Flow


at YOGA SOUP (28 PARKER WAY SANTA BARBARA, California 93101)

This intermediate vinyasa class is heat-building and powerfully-paced.

An uplifting, inspired, strong flow grounded in alignment, inquiry, and hopefully a little humor. Creative sequences encourage balance and joy for your body, mind, and soul. This class motivates honest self-inquiry, exploring your edge, and blissful relaxation. Breath, alignment, strength, flexibility and good music are woven through each class, with opportunities to explore inversions and arm balances as well as deep listening and the subtleties of prana and breath.  The perfect complement to your Saturday. Come move, center, and breathe!

Music is played during this class.