Terra Gold
I was born in Scotland in a spiritual community called Findhorn, from a family of healers and mystics. That foundation began my early spiritual inquiry. Growing up in Northern California and Maui, I was introduce...Attune & Flow
at YOGA SOUP (28 PARKER WAY SANTA BARBARA, California 93101)
This event has ended.
This beginner to intermediate therapeutic vinyasa class is active and steady-paced.
Every class is designed to bring our three most nerve plexus full areas (brain, heart and digestive centers) into nervous system harmony so we are ATTUNED- as fine-tuned instruments. Embodying breath becomes the through-line while the practices challenge us to strengthen our bodies structurally, stabilize ourselves energetically, increasing flexibility in our tissues and organs and in our ways of meeting streams of thoughts and emotions. This is full attuning in your body and in your life.
Each class is sequenced with a sense of dynamic flow from posture to posture, with some longer holds as class progresses. Designed well for both new and seasoned practitioners. We usually incorporate blocks, a strap, a blanket or bolster. We might work at the wall, and sometimes use tapping or sound techniques in some poses for deeper release work.
Music is played during this class.