Jazmin Ment

When not teaching or practicing yoga, you can probably find me in the ocean surfing or gone to the mountains seeking solace in vast landscapes. Thanks to my mom, who insisted I do yoga with her, yoga and meditati...

Ashtanga Mysore Yoga Practice


at YOGA SOUP (28 PARKER WAY SANTA BARBARA, California 93101)

This beginner to intermediate vinyasa class is active with a self-led pace.

This class empowers students to develop a self-motivated practice in a group setting. The teacher works with new students individually to introduce the Ashtanga Yoga system and develop a foundation of three basic actions: a specific style of breathing, conscious connection to the physical energy of the body, and specific gazing to guide the energy with flow of postures. The series of postures is introduced progressively and responsibly in time. Students who are familiar with the Ashtanga method can grow their practice and address specific needs. This class is wonderful for all levels.

Music is not played during this class.