Adriana Adelé

Through yoga, Adriana, she/they, holds space for intentional movement, deep rest, learning/unlearning, rediscovery of eternal divinity, and affirmation of our innate wholeness as individuals & in service of the c...

Supreme Release Yoga Series 2


at Three Queens Yoga (410 Monroe Street Philadelphia, PA 19147)

“And I said to my body, softly, I want to be your friend.” It took a long breath, and replied, “I have been waiting my whole life for this.” Nayyirah Waheed

In this practice, you will begin to gently and profoundly unravel long held tension in the muscles along your spine and deep within your pelvis. Through the Śṛy methodology, (Supreme Release Yoga, pronounced shree), we will use the support of the earth, personalized propping, gentle physical alignment, all interwoven with timeless yogic wisdom. This is a gentle approach to asana rooted in the tantric understanding of the body as a sacred field of the yogic journey and our vehicle of experience through this lifetime. 

Śṛy soothes the many layers of you, seen and unseen, while decompressing and releasing muscles along your spine — the axis of your physical body and conduit of subtle energies like prana.  While this practice is highly accessible and adaptable due its slow pace, use of props, gentle postures, Śṛy also offers deep, direct experience of going inward, cultivating spaciousness throughout the many layers of your being, and expanding your capacity for somatic awareness. This release and expansion has the ability to lead you further along the path of your inner awakening, unravel long held tensions both physically and beyond, and invite in a sense of greater availability to life itself.

This is a 4 Week Series, meeting on Mondays Nov 18-December 9, 7-8:15 pm.

Due to the personalized nature of this workshop, space is limited to 10 attendees.