Forever Postpartum: New-ish Mom Support Group

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Forever Postpartum: New-ish Mom Support Group

Registration is closed, but please check other Three Queens Yoga Events

Motherhood is a beautiful, messy, clusterfuck of a journey, and it often activates parts of ourselves that we never expected - some that we love, some that we come to accept, and some (or a lot) we’re ashamed to admit exist. This facilitated peer support group is a sacred, trusting space for newish moms (whose youngest kids are between ages 4 months and 4 years) to explore the complex emotions around this transformational shift. Together, we will hold space for each other to speak aloud the self-doubt, newfound power, anger/“mom rage," tenderness, and burden of commitment that is parenthood. We will also explore our old narratives surrounding who we thought we would be/what we thought we wanted - and how those things stack up to what we know now. 

With the guidance of a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Perinatal Mental Health Specialist, topics will include (but are not limited to):
  • Changing relationship to self and others
  • Partner dynamics
  • Irritation and rage
  • Anxiety and overwhelm
  • Self-doubt 
  • Identity lost; identity found
  • Working motherhood
  • Societal/cultural/gender expectations
  • Family pressures and expectations
  • Shifting friendships/friendships of convenience 

This group is not about parenting tips or quick fixes (we have Reddit and Dr. Becky for that...). It’s about exploring and navigating the personal transformation that motherhood brings in the valuable company of others also going through it. Let’s share our stories and help ourselves and each other to shape them in the way we were always meant to: in community, with the wisdom of the group.

This is a 6 week support group. We hope to continue hosting 6 week cycles regularly!

EARLY BIRD PRICING: $360, available thru Jan 1st

Full Price: $410