Slow Flow

Slow Flow

the sanctuary is closing

Hello beloveds,

Our final day of classes at The Sanctuary Yoga Room will be June 15th. As of May 1, we will go to a fully donation based model. So you can drop cash in a box when you come in or Venmo us (@thesanctuaryyogaroom). We ask $15/class. The proceeds will pay the teacher for their time and the studio for the costs incurred to keep the doors open. We will also be lightening the schedule.
Here are the classes that will remain live through June 15
M-Sun 915a (Note: Rebecca’s Fri & Sat 915a classes will take a slightly different tone - a bit more high intensity and peak aerobic capacity in focus)
Tue, Th, & Fri 1p
Sun 3p
M & Tue 6p

The name of this class really should be: slow and delicious. While it is slower than our Transformational Flow class, please don’t make the mistake of thinking it will be any less transformational. Long holds of poses paired with mindful breath create an even more robust experience of the energy of the session. In the end, your deep connection to bliss will be unwavering. The room will be around 82 degrees. Come on then. You know you want to. Step into the Slow Lane…

Please help us by respecting the following protocol:
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before class is scheduled to begin.
  • Livestream participants please register at least 1 hour prior to the beginning of class, as this allows the teacher to be able to prepare. Should livestream participants register within less than an hour, we cannot guarantee the teacher will be able to livestream class.
  • Please bring your own mats and props as none will be provided. (Some will be available for purchase at the studio location.)
  • IMPORTANT REGARDING COVID-19: By attending class at The Sanctuary Yoga Room, you agree that you have not been diagnosed with Covid-19 in the past two (2) weeks and are not current experiencing any of the following symptoms: Fever of 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, or feeling feverish, Cough, Shortness of breath, Chills, Headache, Muscle pain, Sore throat, Fatigue, Congestion, or Loss of taste or smell