Jackie Incorvia

Owner/Director, E-RYT 500, YACEP, RPYT Jackie’s yoga practice began in 2005, while seeking to manage anxiety and depression during her years studying at the University of Rhode Island. Finding profound meaning i...

Moderate/Steady Yoga


at Mindful Turtle ( 60 Route 25A Setauket, NY 11733)

A cohesive style combining various yoga traditions. This moderate-paced class will provide an explanation of correct form, alignment, and breathing, and help you develop a solid foundation for your yoga practice. This is a multi-level yoga class suitable for beginner to advanced practitioners that typically includes seated, standing, and reclined postures as well as some weight-bearing on the hands through hands-and-knees positions and sun salutations.

This class is more energetic and more challenging than our "gentle/slow" and "slow/moderate" classes. Mixed levels, some challenging postures may be offered, with modifications and alternatives suggested to make accessible to each student. Please alert the teacher of any injuries or conditions that may affect your practice.