SHAKTI ON TOUR : BODY alive ( new york )

SHAKTI ON TOUR : BODY alive ( new york )

Monday Nov 27 | 4:30-6:00p | $45 
New York Center for Creativity and Dance  ( NYCC&D)
The Joyce Theatre Foundation
287 East 10th Street, New York NY, 10009

Aspen Shakti & Body ALIVE comes to NYC!

Jayne Gottlieb's Signature Class! 
A liberating and enlivening dance inspired class at its core.
This practice is the signature, heart and soul of Aspen Shakti and the ultimate embodiment tool for shaking out anything stagnant or heavy in the body so as to tap into what is alive, luminous, and desirable . . . which is itself the definition of having SHAKTI.

With roots in yoga, breathwork, african dance, cardio, hip hop, capoeira, street dance and isolated muscle strengthening, students will experience a release of heaviness, a rise in their vibration and achieve the result of being visibly ALIVE and at home in their radiant body.

This class specifically activates the second chakra, our center of creativity, art, sexuality and pleasure - we specifically work to open and wake up this energy and move it throughout the body and up the spine so students words, eyes, overall vibration, prayers, actions and connections all become SHAKTIFIED!

BYOM - Bring Your Own Mat, Water and Towel!