This session is part of a multi-session series.
Richard Fabio**
Richard Fabio completed his 200 and 300-hour teacher training through Asheville Yoga Center and is a 500-RYT. During the training Richard really impressed Stephanie Keach (the program director and head mama bear ...02/24 - Breath: Physical & Subtle
at Asheville Yoga Center (211 South Liberty Street Asheville, NC 28801)
This event has ended.
February 9-11, 2024
300-hour YA Credit
300-hour YA Credit
All Levels Welcome
Save $50 with Early Bird
$250 with Early Bird DiscountÂ
($300 after January 11, 2024)
Friday: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Saturdays & Sundays: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Breathe. In this course, Joe Taft and Richard Fabio will share breath teachings from their over 40 years experience working with the body and breathing. You will learn multiple pranayams by experiencing them, understanding their benefits, and how to share these techniques with your students and friends to ensure retention.
Topics we will cover:
- Next level understanding of the breath (pranic body) to improve your asana and your teaching
- The intersection of pranayama and modern science
- Subtle body anatomy and alignment and its impact
- Breathing to change your pranic body
- How to cultivate a prana-based yoga practice
Required Reading:
Breath by James Nestor
15 YA Contact Hours Eligible