Beth Molaro

Beth’s yoga journey began as a small child when she, for some unknown reason, began taking yoga books out of the library trying to teach herself yoga as a 10 year old. Upon moving to Asheville in 1996, she began ...

*$10 Kaiut (SUB)


at Asheville Yoga Center (211 South Liberty Street Asheville, NC 28801)

The Kaiut Yoga Method promotes the healthy biomechanical functioning of the joints. Both challenging and restorative, Kaiut is composed of restful, supported Yin postures combined with finely directed micro engagements that together trigger pain relief, improve mobility, unwind chronic adhesions in the connective tissue and help to strengthen and unlock the major joints of the body.

Please keep in mind if Tucker S. or Beth is not teaching this class the substitute instructor will lead this as a Yin class.

What is AYC Essentials?
AYC Essentials is an opportunity to experience all the essentials of yoga at a value price with experienced teachers. In these Essentials classes, we offer the best of yoga with an array of styles like Yin, Align and Flow and Power Flow and more!